Almost 90 Percent of People Say Sex, Like Many Things, Is Better With Cannabis

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Almost 90 Percent of People Say Sex, Like Many Things, Is Better With Cannabis
A whopping 87.1 percent of respondents agreed doing the nasty is taken to new heights when a little weed is added to the mix.
Like many things in life, sex is better with cannabis, at least according to new survey results from Strainprint Technologies Inc.
The survey was sent to users of the Strainprint App and attracted 1,400 responses over a 24-hour period, reports the Canadian demand-side, cannabis data and analytics company. Of the respondents, 52.2 percent identified as female, 44.7 percent as male, 1.8 percent as other and 1.4 percent preferred not to say.
A whopping 87.1 percent of respondents agreed that doing the nasty is vastly improved when a little weed is added to the mix.
When participants were asked to rate their agreement with the statement, “Sex is better when I use cannabis,” 45.6 percent of respondents said they strongly agreed and 41.5 percent said they agreed.
About one in 10, 12 percent, of those surveyed reported being indifferent, with just 0.5 percent saying they disagreed and an even smaller 0.2 percent responding that they strongly disagreed.
Many of those surveyed noted they were in the regular habit of adding some bud to the boudoir.
Just over 19.5 percent stated they “always” used cannabis to enhance their sex lives, 44.3 percent said they “often” get sexy with the help of a little weed, 32.7 percent reported they “sometimes” use marijuana to enhance their steamy encounters and just 3.4 percent said they “rarely” consume bud before knocking boots.
Survey participants reasons for smoking up before hooking up varied more widely.
About 53 percent of respondents said they got baked in the streets before getting down in the sheets as a means of achieving a better orgasm, 43.8 percent reported they consumed to increase their libido, 41. 7 percent noted they got high to better connect with their partner, 26.6 percent said the drug helped them improve their sexual stamina and just over 24 percent reported they used cannabis pre-sex to help mitigate pain or discomfort from a chronic condition.
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