Andrew Muroff Featured on Investor Ideas ‘Potcast’

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Andrew Muroff Featured on Investor Ideas ‘Potcast’ at ICBC in Vancouver
In today’s podcast I interview Andrew Muroff, CEO of Strainprint Technologies, the leader in demand-side cannabis data and analytics, at the ICBC Conference in Vancouver. We discussed some of the data trends being noticed through Strainprint as well as the potential future uses of this technology and data.
Strainprint was created by patients for patients with a mission to advance the scientific understanding of cannabis and its legitimization as a mainstream therapy. Strainprint is aslo privacy compliant, military-grade encrypted and all patient data is completely anonymized and at rest in Canada.
When discussing who is showing interest in Strainprint’s data and analytics, Andrew commented on the company’s most recent news with Health Canada. “I’m very proud to report that after a long discussion period we now have Health Canada as a customer looking at our data. So we now have Health Canada looking at the data, as well as various medical associations, some of the largest producers and pharmacies all looking at our data and our technology.”
Not only are patients and practitioners utilizing the company’s data but Andrew also commented on the interest of producers as well. “As an example, a licensed producer can’t go to a doctor and say my product does this, they can’t make a claim. But what they can say is, 3000 patients have used my product 60,000 times on Strainprint and this is what they said. That type of data, while it is patient reported, it’s real time and it’s very accurate when you’re thinking about the tens of thousands of users and millions of reported outcomes.”
Andrew continued to discuss the changing attitude of producers in the Canadian market saying, “we started to see great traction in late 2018. Then the legalization of recreational cannabis sort of through a wrench in a bunch of things. Producers kind of got caught in asking “do we sell medical or do we sell recreational” and there wasn’t enough supply so they were taking medical supply and putting it in recreational. Now we’re seeing that they understand the effect that’s had on margins. They’re all coming back around now and are all starting to realize they have the ability to look beyond just POS data, but to be able to see what other producers are selling and what might be better from a competitor then what you’re producing.”