Strainprint Featured in High Times Magazine

Written by Strainprint
Strainprint Featured in High Times Magazine
Strainprint Technologies App: An Application as Unique as You Are
We use apps for nearly everything; why not for tracking our cannabis use?
As the cannabis industry expands, gaps are discovered, and bridges are built. This is certainly true of the new Strainprint App,“a company of dedicated data nerds, who are very interested in helping advance the scientific understanding of cannabis and its validity as a therapeutic option,” says founder Stephanie Karasick.
After going online in 2017, Strainprint Technologies now puts the ability to track your cannabis use in the palm of your hands, making it easy and convenient to follow the footsteps of the strains and products that work best for you, while simultaneously granting users access to a community of resources, education and up-to-date reports on the most effective products and medical knowledge in the market today.
After losing her older brother in 1978, Stephanie suffered from severe depression, isolation, anxiety and a profound fear of death. Subsequently, Stephanie sought professional help and began an all too well known switch back journey of taking antidepressant medications in hopes of regaining stability in her life. After years of trial and error, Stephanie’s psychiatrist discussed the treatment of PTSD in veterans with her and recommended she consider using cannabis. This unconventional endorsement is what set her on a path of renewed self-discovery and the desire to share her experience with as many people as possible.
Compelled to record her experiences, Stephanie found an old moleskine journal and began to write down her experiences with each product and strain, “jotting down as many variables as [she] could and keeping track of how [she] felt”. She made a connection to her Fitbit, which tracks her daily steps, and she wondered to herself, “why is there no software that could track how I’m medicating”?